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conventions, festivals, teaching work, publications, exhibitions, commercial work and much more.  We hope you enjoy your visit!
This site documents the many activities of the Israeli Origami Center at home and abroad.  Here, you will find information about our

Please note that whereas the Hebrew pages are complete and under constant revision, the English pages are Under Construction and are an ongoing project.
10th International Israeli Origami Center Convention

Three fun-filled days of non-stop origami workshops, lectures and events, suitable for all abilities and ages!

Dates:  21-23 November, 2019
Guests of Honour:   Tomoko Fuse (Japan), Sima Rolnick (Israel)

Venue: Ya´arim Hotel, Ma´ale HaHamisha Jerusalem
For More Details 

Fuse-san folding in the
Dead Sea: 2004, at the
1st Israeli Origami
Center convention.

בניית אתרים